Friday, February 28, 2014

Buying AC Equipment On Line? Buyer Beware!

A service tech here at AC by Florida Comfort Systems recently went on an unusual service call to repair an AC unit. Unfortunately for the homeowner, our service technician identified the recently purchased AC handler as having been stolen from a Naples builder’s home during construction. The new owner of the handler purchased it in good faith on a popular on-line classified ad website and now needed it to be serviced. AC by Florida Comfort Systems contacted the builder to advise them that we found their AC handler, which was reported to the police as stolen months earlier.

Most people would never suspect that a handler or other AC equipment would be stolen in the first place so they may never give consideration to the possibility when making an on-line purchase.  New home construction here in Naples experiences a lot of theft of all types of products, including HVAC equipment.

The theft problem has become so widespread that builders have been forced to resort to defensive measures to protect their homes under construction.  Theft deterrent tactics include on site security guards, hidden cameras and believe it or not, even GPS units installed inside of equipment.

From time to time, we are called upon to assist the police in recovery and prosecution efforts.

What can you do?

You can safeguard yourself by never purchasing any product that the serial number nameplate has been removed.  Nameplates do not fall off and there is never a good reason to remove one.  You can also look to see if an HVAC contractor’s sticker is on the piece of equipment. More often than not, the contractor should be able to tell you through the serial number if the equipment is stolen or not.  ‘Buyer beware’ is an old saying that truly applies to on-line purchases.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

That Mysterious Burning Smell

With the temperatures dropping here in Southwest Florida, we know that many will be cranking on their heat in their homes for the first time this season.  With the first start up of the heater, there could be some suspicious smells coming from it or your duct system.  How do you know if everything is OK or if there’s a problem?

If the odor you are noticing smells strange, it is probably dust burning.  Over the summer the dust accumulates on your heater coils and in your filter.  It burns when you first start up your heater and blows through your duct system.  You might notice the odor for up to an hour, but it is not an emergency.   It will go away.  You could open a window for a few minutes in the house to facilitate this.

Don't Panic! There is no reason to call an AC Company at this time!

In fact, some 
unscrupulous companies use this situation to sell uninformed customers equipment and services they don't need. If you have already called a company, please let us come by and give you a no obligation second opinion.

Call me at 239-774-550 if you have any questions about your heating system. Living in Naples, this equipment is rarely used, but we receive many calls about the heating system every year about this time. Stay warm!

Denny Martin,
President of AC by Florida Comfort Systems